Iam using DBGp protocol to communicate with XDebug and so far its great.
I can break on specific line numbers with no difficulty.
I tried to make a watch and got error |breakpoint "type is not supported"|,
which is clear that XDebug currently does not implement it. What made me
ask this is,
I have seen many IDEs with this feature (Eclipse included) and wondered
how do they implement it.
I want to watch expression like
|$criteria = new CDbCriteria();
I want IDE to break there so that I can update a watch window with new
Thanks In Advance
-- Stefano D. Mtangoo Mob: +255 754710410 Twitter: @mtangoo Web. http://hosannahighertech.co.tz Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/stefano-mtangoo/45/644/281 /The purpose of man is to know his Maker Be known by his Maker And make his Maker known So that others may know his Maker as their Maker(Emeal Zwayne) /Received on Sat Jan 25 2014 - 19:08:12 GMT
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