I noticed after installing xdebug 2.0.0rc1 (on a windows XP PHP 4.4.4
/ apache 2 / xampp installation) that the xdebug var_dump does not
return the variable type as part of the output. I've tried the
xdebug_debug_zval(), but that does not return any useful relevant
information. I remember previous xdebug versions did output the type,
but I may be mistaken.
Example code:
$a = 100.00;
$b = 10.1;
$c = 100;
$d = floatval(pow(10,3));
$e = exp(log(10) * 3);
var_dump($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, "s");
output with xdebug 2.0.0rc1, default settings:
's' (length=1)
Output with the default var_dump handler:
float(100) float(10.1) int(100) float(1000) float(1000) string(1) "s"
I've searched the existing documentation on the website for any
settings that may help, but to no avail. Is there any way of enabling
the variable type output of var_dump without disabling xdebug? I
prefer to use the prettified var_dump handler if possible.
Fai Yip
Received on Mon Dec 04 2006 - 20:06:52 GMT
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