[xdebug-dev] svn: /xdebug/trunk/ contrib/xt.vim xt.vim

From: Derick Rethans <derick[@]derickrethans.nl>
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 2010 16:52:33 +0000

derick Sun, 06 Jun 2010 16:52:33 +0000

Revision: http://svn.xdebug.org/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi?view=rev&revision=3295&root=xdebug

- Moved the xt.vim file to the contrib directory.

Changed paths:
    A + xdebug/trunk/contrib/xt.vim
        (from xdebug/trunk/xt.vim:r3259)
    D xdebug/trunk/xt.vim

Copied: xdebug/trunk/contrib/xt.vim (from rev 3259, xdebug/trunk/xt.vim)
--- xdebug/trunk/contrib/xt.vim (rev 0)
+++ xdebug/trunk/contrib/xt.vim 2010-06-06 16:52:33 UTC (rev 3295)
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Xdebug trace files (context or unified)
+" Maintainer: Derick Rethans <derick[@]xdebug.org>
+" Last Change: 2010 Jun 06
+" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
+" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+if version < 600
+ syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+syn match begin "^TRACE START"
+syn match end "^TRACE END"
+syn match date "\[.*\]"
+syn match min_memory "+\d\+"
+syn match pls_memory "-\d\+"
+syn match nll_memory "+0"
+syn match level "->"
+syn match lineno ":\d\+$"
+syn match result ">=>.\+"
+syn match assignment "=> \$[a-z]\+\(->[a-z]\+\)*\ .*="
+syn match assignment "=> \$[a-z]\+\['\([a-z]\+\)*'\]\ .*="
+syn match methodcall "\k\+->"
+syn match staticcall "\k\+::"
+syn match functionb "\k\+("
+syn match functione ") "
+syn match main "{main}()"
+syn match include "include\(_once\)\=('.\+')"
+" Define the default highlighting.
+" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
+" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
+if version >= 508 || !exists("did_diff_syntax_inits")
+ if version < 508
+ let did_diff_syntax_inits = 1
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
+ else
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
+ endif
+ HiLink begin Label
+ HiLink end Label
+ HiLink date Label
+ HiLink assignment Label
+ HiLink level SpecialChar
+ HiLink result Constant
+ HiLink min_memory Constant
+ HiLink pls_memory Structure
+ HiLink nll_memory Comment
+ HiLink main Structure
+ HiLink include Structure
+ HiLink lineno Delimiter
+ HiLink methodcall Function
+ HiLink staticcall Function
+ HiLink functionb Function
+ HiLink functione Function
+ delcommand HiLink
+let b:current_syntax = "xt"
+:set foldmethod=expr
+:set foldexpr=strlen(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(getline(v:lnum),'^TR.*$','',''),'\\s>=>','->',\"g\"),'^\\s.\\{20\\}\\(\\s\\+\\)\\?->.*$','\\1',''),'\\s\\s','\ ',\"g\"))-2
+:set foldlevel=9999
+" vim: ts=8 sw=2

Deleted: xdebug/trunk/xt.vim
--- xdebug/trunk/xt.vim 2010-05-23 13:24:06 UTC (rev 3294)
+++ xdebug/trunk/xt.vim 2010-06-06 16:52:33 UTC (rev 3295)
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-" Vim syntax file
-" Language: Diff (context or unified)
-" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <Bram[@]vim.org>
-" Last Change: 2003 Apr 02
-" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
-" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
-if version < 600
- syntax clear
-elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
- finish
-syn match begin "^TRACE START"
-syn match end "^TRACE END"
-syn match date "\[.*\]"
-syn match min_memory "+\d\+"
-syn match pls_memory "-\d\+"
-syn match nll_memory "+0"
-syn match level "->"
-syn match lineno ":\d\+$"
-syn match result ">=>.\+"
-syn match assignment "=> \$[a-z]\+\(->[a-z]\+\)*\ .*="
-syn match assignment "=> \$[a-z]\+\['\([a-z]\+\)*'\]\ .*="
-syn match methodcall "\k\+->"
-syn match staticcall "\k\+::"
-syn match functionb "\k\+("
-syn match functione ") "
-syn match main "{main}()"
-syn match include "include\(_once\)\=('.\+')"
-" Define the default highlighting.
-" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
-" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
-if version >= 508 || !exists("did_diff_syntax_inits")
- if version < 508
- let did_diff_syntax_inits = 1
- command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
- else
- command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
- endif
- HiLink begin Label
- HiLink end Label
- HiLink date Label
- HiLink assignment Label
- HiLink level SpecialChar
- HiLink result Constant
- HiLink min_memory Constant
- HiLink pls_memory Structure
- HiLink nll_memory Comment
- HiLink main Structure
- HiLink include Structure
- HiLink lineno Delimiter
- HiLink methodcall Function
- HiLink staticcall Function
- HiLink functionb Function
- HiLink functione Function
- delcommand HiLink
-let b:current_syntax = "xt"
-:set foldmethod=expr
-:set foldexpr=strlen(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(getline(v:lnum),'^TR.*$','',''),'\\s>=>','->',\"g\"),'^\\s.\\{20\\}\\(\\s\\+\\)\\?->.*$','\\1',''),'\\s\\s','\ ',\"g\"))-2
-:set foldlevel=9999
-" vim: ts=8 sw=2
Received on Sun Jun 06 2010 - 17:52:33 BST

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