[xdebug-general] Re: Eclipse Debug as Script missing!

From: Stefano D. Mtangoo <mwinjilisti[@]gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 14:37:54 +0300

On 02/10/2014 06:31 asubuhi, Thomas Widlar wrote:
> Xdebug has been running fine on my Win7 laptop with
> Win7/XAMPP/Eclipse/PHP. There some techs worked on the system with
> lots of virus scans and diagnostics because Windows 7 would update.
> They fixed that.
> But when I went back into Eclipse to debug, the Debug as Script
> wouldn't come up.
> I know this may not be an Xdebug question per se, but nobody else
> seems to have a clue. Could that system cleaning destabilized Eclipse.
> Could you tell me what I can so to get Eclipse to talk to Xdebug properly.
first place to look at would be Eclipse logs.
Best regards,
> Thanks.
> Eclipse: 3.4.1
> XAMPP: 1.7.3
> PHP: 5.3.1
> XDebug: 2.1.0

Stefano D. Mtangoo
Mob: +255 754710410
Twitter: @mtangoo
Web. http://hosannahighertech.co.tz
Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/stefano-mtangoo/45/644/281
/The purpose of man is to know his Maker Be known by his Maker
And make his Maker known So that others may know his Maker as their 
Maker(Emeal Zwayne) /
Received on Thu Oct 02 2014 - 12:38:01 BST

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